Adopted S.Res.1, notifying the President that a quorum of each House has assembled
Adopted S.Res.2, notifying the House that a quorum of the Senate has assembled
Adopted S.Res.3, electing Orrin Hatch of Utah President of the Senate pro tempore
Adopted S.Res.4, notifying the President of the election of the President pro tempore
Adopted S.Res.5, notifying the House of Representatives of the election of the President pro tempore
Adopted S.Res.6, electing Senator Leahy as the President pro tempore emeritus
Adopted S.Res.7, fixing the hour of daily meeting of the Senate
Adopted S.Res.8, electing Julie Adams as Secretary of the Senate
Adopted S.Res.9, notifying the President of the election of Julie Adams to be Secretary of the Senate
Adopted S.Res.10, notifying the House of the election of Julie Adams to be Secretary of the Senate
Adopted S.Res.11, electing Frank Larkin as Sergeant at Arms of the Senate
Adopted S.Res.12, notifying the President of the election of Frank Larkin to be Sergeant at Arms of the Senate
Adopted S.Res.13, notifying the House of the election of Frank Larkin to be Sergeant at Arms of the Senate
Adopted S.Res.14, electing Laura Dove as Secretary for the Majority
Adopted S.Res.15, electing Gary Myrick as Secretary for the Minority
Adopted S.Res.16, making effective the appointment of Patricia Bryan to be Legal Counsel for the Senate
Adopted S.Res.17, making effective the appointment of Morgan Frankel to be Deputy Legal Counsel for the Congress
Adopted S.Res.18 over under the rule, making committee assignments
Adopted S.Res.19, relative to the death of the late Senator Edward William Brooke III, of Massachusetts.
Began the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business S.1, a bill to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline (McConnell)