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Unemployment Insurance extension is pending, Reid fills amendment tree and files cloture on Reed amendment and underlying bill

The Senate has adopted the motion to proceed to S.1845, Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act.

Senator Reid then offered the following amendments and motion and filed cloture on the Reed amendment and the underlying bill:

Reed amendment #2631 (1-year UI extension with pay-for)

Reid amendment #2632 to #2631 (date change)

Senator Reid then filed cloture on the Reed amendment #2631 to S.1845.

Motion to commit the bill with instruction which is amendment #2633 (date change)

Reid amendment #2634 to the instruction to the motion to commit (date change)

Reid amendment #2635 to #2634 (date change)

Senator Reid then filed cloture on S.1845, Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act.