Following Leader remarks, the Senate resumed consideration of S.1845, Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act.
Last week Senator Reid filed cloture on the perfecting substitute (perfectitute) amendment #2631 and the underlying bill, S.1845. The filing deadline for first degree amendments to S. 1845 is 3pm today and the filing deadline for second degree amendments to Amendment #2631 (perfectitute) is 4:30pm today. If cloture is invoked, germane amendments must be filed at the desk prior to the deadlines to be considered in order post-cloture. If your senator has a germane amendment and would like to preserve the ability to offer, please send a signed copy of the amendment to the cloakroom prior to the deadline so that we may file it at the desk for you.
At 5:00pm, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #381, the nomination of Robert Leon Wilkins, of the District of Columbia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the District of Colombia. At 5:30pm, there will be a roll call vote on confirmation of the Wilkins nomination.
Upon disposition of the Wilkins nomination, there is a vote scheduled on the motion to invoke cloture on Reed amendment #2631 (perfectitute). There are discussions happening that may result in an agreement to post-pone the cloture vote and to consider amendments to the bill. If no agreement is reached and cloture is not invoked on Reed amendment #2631, there would be a third vote tonight on cloture on the underlying bill, S.1845. If cloture is invoked on Reed amendment #2631, there would be up to 30 hours for debate prior to a vote on the Reed perfectitute.
Up to 3 roll call votes at 5:30pm today on the following items:
- Confirmation of Executive Calendar #381, the nomination of Robert Leon Wilkins, of the District of Columbia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the District of Colombia;
- Cloture on Reed amendment #2631 (perfectitute) to S.1845, Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act; and
- Cloture on S.1845, Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act.
Another message will be sent if an agreement is reached. If an agreement on S.1845 is reached, we would still have the confirmation vote on the Wilkins nomination at 5:30pm.