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2 roll call votes at 5:30pm tonight--cloture and passage of Omnibus appropriations bill

The Senate has reached an agreement to vote on cloture and passage of the Omnibus appropriations bill beginning at 5:30pm tonight.

Under the agreement, the time until 4:45pm will be equally divided between Senators Reed (RI) and Durbin. The Republicans will control the time from 4:45pm until 5:15pm.

At 5:15pm, there will be 15 minutes equally divided between Senators Mikulski and Shelby, or their designees.

At 5:30pm today, the mandatory quorum required under rule 22 will be waived and the Senate will proceed to a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to concur. If cloture is invoked, the motion to concur with an amendment will be withdrawn; all post-cloture time yielded back; and the Senate will proceed to a roll call vote on the motion to concur. If the motion to concur is agreed to, the Senate will agree to H.Con.Res.74 (to amend the title).