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objection to vote on amendments, now voting on McConnell motion to table Markey amendment #25 (tar sands excise tax).

Senator McConnell asked unanimous consent that the Senate vote in relation to the following amendments.
  1. Murkowski amendment #2 (substitute) (pending but not included in McConnell's request)
  2. Vitter amendment #80, as modified (OCS) (pending but not included in McConnell's request)
  3. Sullivan amendment #67 (prohibit arming EPA)
  4. Cardin amendment #75 (local water supplier)
  5. Murkowski amendment #98 (Sense of Congress arctic region)
  6. Reed amendment #74 (LIHEAP)
  7. Flake amendment #103 (duplicative green building programs)
  8. Leahy amendment #30 (judicial review provision)
  9. Cruz amendment #15 (expedited export of natural gas to WTO)
  10. Whitehouse amendment #28 (camapign finance disclosure)
  11. Moran amendment #73 (prairie chicken
  12. Carper amendment #121 (8 cent per barrel gas excise tax for land and water conservation fund)
  13. Daines amendment #132 (Sense of Congress national monuments)
  14. Markey amendment #25 (tar sands excise tax)

That the amendments be subject to 60-vote thresholds; that there be 2 minutes for debate equally divided, and all votes after the first be 10 minute votes.

Senator Durbin reserved his right to object, asked that we start working through these amendments in an orderly fashion tomorrow morning. Senator Durbin objected.

Senator McConnell then announced that he intends to start to table the pending Democratic amendments. He then moved to table Markey amendment #25 (tar sands excise tax). Senator Markey asked unanimous consent that he be permitted to speak for 1 minute on his amendment. Senator Cornyn objected. Senator Durbin suggested the absence of a quorum. A quorum was present. At 10:06pm, the Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the McConnell motion to table Markey amendment #25 (tar sands excise tax).