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Agreement on S.1926, Flood Insurance

The Senate has reached an agreement on amendments to S.1926, the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act.  The details of the agreement are below.

Following morning business on Wednesday, January 29th, all post-cloture time on the motion to proceed to S.1926 will be yielded back and the Senate will begin consideration of the bill. The following amendments will be agreed to: Hagan #2702; Rubio #2704; King #2705; and Blunt #2698.

The following amendments will be the only other amendments in order:

- Reed (RI) #2703 (community based policy study);

- Coburn #2697 (NARAB alternative);

- Merkley #2709 (forced placed insurance);

- Heller-Lee #2700 (state authority - private flood insurance);

- Whitehouse #2706 (fee waiver);

- Toomey #2707 (substitute), (to be modified with the text of the Rubio amendment #2704 and the Hagan amendment #2702);

- and

- Gillibrand #2708 (mitigation guidelines).

It will be in order for Senator Toomey to modify his amendment with the text of the Rubio amendment #2704 and the Hagan amendment #2702. No second degree amendments will be in order to any of these amendments prior to votes in relation to the amendments. There will be 30 minutes of debate equally divided on each amendment or motion to waive a budget point or order, if made. There will also be up to one hour of general debate on the bill equally divided between proponents and opponents. Amendments in this agreement must be offered prior to 3:00pm on Wednesday, January 29th. It will be in order for Senator Crapo, or his

designee, to raise a budget point of order against the bill; if such a point of order is raised, Senator Menendez, or designee, will be recognized to move to waive the point of order.  Upon the use or yielding back of time, the Senate will proceed to the vote on the motion to waive, if made and if the motion to waive is agreed to, the Senate will proceed to votes in relation to the amendments in the order listed.  Finally, upon disposition of the amendments, the bill will be read a third time and the Senate will proceed to vote on passage of the bill, as amended.

Upon the use or yielding back of time (up to 5 hours of debate (4 hours on amendments/point of order and 1 hour of general debate time)), the Senate would vote in relation to the following items:

  1. Reed (RI) #2703 (community based policy study);
  2. Coburn #2697 (NARAB alternative);
  3. Merkley #2709 (forced placed insurance);
  4. Heller-Lee #2700 (state authority - private flood insurance);
  5. Whitehouse #2706 (fee waiver);
  6. Toomey #2707 (substitute), (to be modified with the text of the Rubio amendment #2704 and the Hagan amendment #2702);
  7. Gillibrand #2708 (mitigation guidelines)
  8. Possible motion to waive the budget act if a point of order is raised
  9. Passage of S.1926, as amended.

Senators will be notified when the votes are scheduled to begin.