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Wrap Up for Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Roll Call Votes
  1. Cardin amendment #75 (local water supplier); not agreed to: 37-61.
  2. Peters amendment #70 (pipeline safety); not agreed to: 40-58.
  3. Sanders amendment #23 (solar panels); not agreed to: 40-58.
  4. Cruz amendment #15 (expedited export of natural gas to WTO); not agreed to: 53-45.
  5. Moran amendment #73 (prairie chicken); not agreed to: 54-44.
  6. Whitehouse amendment #148 (campaign finance disclosure re: Keystone); not agreed to: 44-52.
  7. Daines amendment #132 (Sense of Congress: national monuments); not agreed to: 50-47.
  8. Coons amendment #115 (climate resiliency projects); not agreed to: 47-51.
  9. Collins amendment #35 (school building efficiency); agreed to by voice vote.
  10. Murkowski amendment #166 (wilderness study areas); not agreed to: 50-48.
  11. Heitkamp amendment #133 (renewable tax credits); not agreed to: 47-51.
  12. Gillibrand amendment #48 (fracking); not agreed to: 35-63.
Legislative Business

Adopted S.Res.50, Congratulating The Ohio State University football team for winning the 2015 College Football Playoff national championship.

Adopted S.Res.51, Recognizing the goals of Catholic Schools Week and honoring the valuable contributions of Catholic schools in the United States.

Completed the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business S.272, Department of Homeland Security Appropriations FY2015

Executive Business