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Amendments to S.1926, the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act

The following amendments have been considered to S.1926, the Flood Insurance bill:
  • Hagan amendment #2702; agreed to by uc
  • Rubio amendment #2704; agreed to by uc
  • King amendment #2705; agreed to by uc
  • Blunt amendment #2698; agreed to by uc
  • Reed amendment #2703 (community based policy study); agreed to by voice vote
  • Whitehouse amendment #2706 (fee waiver); agreed to by voice vote
  • Gillibrand amendment #2708 (mitigation guidelines); agreed to by voice vote
  • Toomey amendment #2707, as modified (substitute); Not agreed to: 34-65
  • Coburn amendment #2697 (NARAB alternative); Not agreed to: 24-75
  • Merkley amendment #2709, as modified (forced placed insurance); withdrawn
  • Heller amendment #2700 (state authority - private flood insurance); Not agreed to: 49-50