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No more votes today/Next vote expected approx. 11:15am Thursday

The motion to waive the budget was agreed to 64-35. The Senate then agreed to the Reed, Whitehouse and Gillibrand amendments. There will be no further roll call votes tonight. The next roll call vote is expected to begin at approximately 11:15am tomorrow, with the vote on passage of the Flood Insurance bill around 2pm.

Tomorrow we plan to vote on the following:

-       Coburn #2697 (NARAB alternative);

-       Merkley #2709 (forced placed insurance);

-       Heller-Lee #2700 (state authority - private flood insurance);

-       Toomey #2707 (substitute), (to be modified with the text of the Rubio amendment #2704 and the Hagan amendment #2702);

-       Passage of S.1926, as amended.

Another message will be sent when the votes are scheduled.