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Republicans object to National Security nominations

Cloture was not invoked on S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act, by a vote of 43-54. There will be no further roll call votes today.

Senator Klobuchar asked unanimous consent that the Senate enter Executive Session to consider the following nominations:

Executive Calendar #263, Samuel D. Heins, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of Norway; and

Executive Calendar #148, Azita Raji, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of Sweden;

that the Senate then proceed to vote on confirmation of the nominations.

Senator Lee objected to the request on behalf of Senator Cruz.

Senator Shaheen asked unanimous consent that the Senate enter Executive Session to consider the following nominations:

Executive Calendar #375, Thomas A. Shannon, Jr., to be an Under Secretary of State (Political Affairs); and

PN 371, Adam J. Szubin, to be Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Crimes;

that the Senate then proceed to vote on confirmation of the nominations.

Senator Lee objected to the request on behalf of Senator Cruz (Shannon) and Shelby (Szubin).