Senate Floor Schedule For Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Morning business until 11am with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each therein, with the time equally divided and controlled between the two leaders or their designees.
At 11am, the Senate will resume consideration of S.223, FAA Authorization bill.
At 11:40am, the Senate will proceed to the consideration of the Nelson (NE) amendment #58 (criminal penalty for distribution of body scan images) and a Nelson (NE) 2nd degree amendment #85 will be agreed to. There will then be 20 minutes for debate followed by a roll call vote in relation to the Nelson (NE) amendment #58, as amended (60-vote threshold).
The Senate will recess from 12:30pm until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus luncheons.
At 2:15pm, there will be 20 minutes of debate equally divided and controlled between Senators Rockefeller and Wicker prior to a roll call vote in relation to the Wicker amendment #14, as modified (TSA collective bargaining) (60-vote threshold).
The Senate has entered into an agreement to limit debate on the Paul amendment #21 (FY '08 authorization levels). There will now be up to 100 minutes for debate equally divided between Senators Paul and Rockefeller, or their designees. Upon the use or yielding back of time, the Senate will proceed to a vote in relation to the amendment. We expect this vote to be a tabling motion. No amendments are in order to the amendment prior to the vote.
As a result, senators should expect a roll call vote to begin at approximately 4:55pm in relation to the Paul amendment #21 (FY '08 authorization levels).
Following the vote on the Paul amendment, the Senate will proceed to the consideration of H.R.514, PATRIOT Act/FISA extension. The Reid-McConnell substitute amendment will be agreed to by unanimous consent (the amendment extends the PATRIOT Act and FISA provisions through May 27, 2011). No further amendments or motions are in order prior to the vote. There will then be up to 30 minutes for debate prior to a roll call vote on passage of H.R.514, as amended.
This evening, Senator Inhofe called for the regular order with respect to his amendment #7 and modified his amendment (Slots). Senator Hutchison then second degreed the Inhofe amendment with similar language relating to slots (Hutchison #93).
Senator Hutchison then filed cloture on the Inhofe amendment #7, as modified (Slots).
Prior to this, by consent Senator Udall (NM) modified his pending amendments #49 and 51 with technical changes. This evening, Senator Reid filed cloture on S.223, the FAA Authorization bill.
As a result of cloture being filed on the bill, there is a first degree filing deadline of 1:00pm tomorrow, Wednesday, February 16. If your senator has a germane first degree amendment and would like to preserve their ability to offer, please send a signed copy of the amendment to the cloakroom prior to the deadline so that we may file it at the desk for you. If you have already filed, there is no need to refile.
There will be no further roll call votes during Tuesday's session of the Senate.