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Agreement on timing for confirmation vote for Mulvaney and cloture vote for Pruitt

The Senate has reached an agreement that following Leader remarks tomorrow, Thursday, February 16th, there be 10 minutes of debate equally divided followed by the confirmation vote on Executive Calendar #16, Mick Mulvaney to be Director of Office Management and Budget, followed by the pending cloture vote on Executive Calendar #15, the nomination of Scott Pruitt to be Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and if cloture is invoked the time be counted as if invoked at 7:00am that day. Under the rules, if all time is used on the Pruitt nomination, the confirmation vote would be at approximately 1:00pm on Friday, February 17th.

Thursday, February 16th at approximately 10:00am

  1. Confirmation of Mick Mulvaney, Director of OMB
  2. Motion to invoke cloture on Scott Pruitt, Administrator of EPA