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Senate Floor Schedule For Wednesday, February 16, 2011

  • Following any Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business until 11:00am with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each and the time equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees.
  • At 11:00am, the Senate will resume consideration of S.223, the FAA Authorization bill. As a reminder, cloture was filed on Inhofe amendment #7, as modified (slots), and S.223, FAA Authorization.
  • There is a 1pm filing deadline for first degree amendments to S.223, FAA Authorization.
  • The following amendments are pending to S.223:
  • Wyden #27 (increase test sites for unmanned aerial vehicles)
  • Inhofe amendment #7 (flight time limitations/rest requirements), as modified (slots)
  • Ensign amendment #32 (military remotely piloted aerial systems)
  • McCain amendment #4 (Essential Air Service)
  • Leahy amendment #50 (liability protection for volunteer pilots)
  • Reid amendment #54 (noise buffering)
  • Udall (NM) #49 (Dona Ana County airport), as modified
  • Udall (NM) #51 (Advanced Imaging Technology), as modified
  • Paul amendment #18 (Memorandum of understanding re: OSHA)
  • Hutchison amendment #93 to Inhofe amendment #7, as further modified (Slots)
  • There will be no roll call votes Wednesday evening.