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2 Roll Call Votes at a time to be determined on Friday, February 17

At a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, after consultation with the Republican Leader, the Senate will proceed to a series of 2 roll call votes in relation to the following, in the following order:

-          Motion to invoke cloture on the Reid amendment #1633 (Banking, Finance, & Commerce titles) to S.1813, the Surface Transportation bill,

(2 minutes of debate)

-          Confirmation of the nomination of Jesse Furman, of NY, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York, and

These votes are expected to occur as early as 11:00am on Friday, February 17th.  When a time is set, another message will be sent.

The details of the agreement are below.

At a time to be determined, the Senate will proceed to the cloture vote with respect to the Reid amendment #1633.  If cloture is invoked on the Reid amendment, the second degree amendment will be withdrawn and the Reid amendment will be agreed to and the bill, as amended, be considered original text for the purposes of further amendment. If cloture is not invoked, the motion to recommit and the Reid amendment #1633 will be withdrawn.

Immediately following the cloture vote and the actions listed above depending on the result of the cloture vote, the Senate will then proceed to Executive Session and the cloture motion on the Furman nomination will be vitiated.  There will be two minutes of debate equally divided, between Senators Leahy and Grassley, prior to a vote on confirmation of the Furman nomination.