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Senate Floor Schedule For Thursday, February 17, 2011

  • Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of S.223, FAA Authorization. There will be 2 hours for debate equally divided and controlled between the proponents and opponents prior to a cloture vote on the Inhofe amendment #7, as modified. Senators should expect the cloture vote on the Inhofe amendment to begin around 12:10pm.
  • The filing deadline for second degree amendments to S.223 is up until the cloture vote.
  • Additional roll call votes are expected to occur throughout the day.
  • By unanimous consent, the cloture vote on the Inhofe amendment was vitiated. The Hutchison amendment #93, as further further modified, was agreed to by voice vote. Then the Inhofe amendment #7, as amended, was agreed to by voice vote.
  • By unanimous consent at 2:00pm, the Senate will proceed to vote on the motion to invoke cloture on S.223, FAA Authorization.
  • The Senate has reached an agreement to wrap up consideration of the FAA bill tonight. Under the agreement, there will now be up to 14 minutes for debate prior to a series of votes in relation to amendments to FAA and on passage of the bill. Senator Coburn controls 10 minutes, Senator Schumer controls 2 minutes, and Senator Brown (OH) controls 2 minutes.
  • The Senate would then proceed to vote in relation to the following items:
  • Coburn amendment #64 (Rescind unused earmarks); - Brown-Portman second degree amendment #105 (unmanned aerial systems) to Ensign amendment #32; - Ensign amendment #32, as amended, (remotely piloted aerial systems); - Reid amendment #54, as modified (noise buffering); - Udall (NM) amendment #49, as modified (Dona Ana County airport); - Udall (NM) amendment #51, as modified (advanced imaging technology); - Coburn amendment #8o, as modified, (limit essential air service to locations that are 100 or more miles away from the nearest medium or large hub airport); - Coburn amendment #81 (limit essential air service to locations that average 10 or more enplanements per day); - Coburn amendment #91 (repeal decrease federal share of project costs); - Schumer amendment #71 (helicopter noise pollution in residential areas); --10 minutes for debate--- - Leahy-Inhofe amendment #50 (liability protection for volunteer pilots) (60-vote threshold) - Passage of S.223, FAA Authorization, as amended.
  • We expect voice votes on Coburn #64, Brown-Portman #105, Ensign #32, Reid #54, Udall (NM) #49, Udall (NM) #51 and Schumer #71 and roll call votes on the 3 Coburn amendments (80-81, and 91), Leahy-Inhofe amendment #50, and passage of S.223. As a result, senators should expect a series of 5 roll call votes to begin at approximately 7:20pm.
  • Text of the agreement can be found below.
  • Leader: I ask unanimous consent the pending amendments be set aside and Senator Coburn be recognized to offer his amendment #64; that after the amendment is reported, the Senate proceed to a vote in relation to the Coburn amendment; and that no amendments be in order to the Coburn amendment prior to the vote.
  • Upon disposition of the Coburn amendment #64, the pending amendments be set aside and Senator Coburn be recognized for up to 10 minutes to offer amendments #80, with a modification which is at the desk, #81 and #91; and Senator Schumer be recognized for up to two minutes to offer amendment #71; Senator Brown (OH) be recognized for up to two minutes to call up the Brown-Portman amendment #105 to the Ensign amendment #32 and the Reid amendment #54 and the Udall amendment #51 be modified with the changes that are at the desk; the Wyden amendment #27 be withdrawn; and the Senate then proceed to votes in relation to the following amendments in the order listed:
  • Brown-Portman amendment #105; Ensign #32, as amended; Reid #54, as modified; Udall #49, as modified; Udall#51, as further modified; Coburn #80, as modified; Coburn #81; Coburn #91; and Schumer #71.
  • Further, there be two minutes equally divided prior to each vote listed above; that notwithstanding rule 22, the Leahy-Inhofe amendment #50 remain in order and that upon disposition of the Schumer #71, there be 10 minutes of debate, equally divided, prior to a vote in relation to the Leahy-Inhofe amendment #50; that the Leahy-Inhofe amendment be subject to a 60 vote threshold for passage; that if it does not achieve 60 affirmative votes, the amendment not be agreed to; and that there be no amendments in order to any of the amendments listed in this agreement prior to the votes;
  • Further, upon disposition of the Leahy-Inhofe amendment, there be no further amendments or motions in order to the bill, except for a managers' package, to be agreed to if it has the concurrence of the Majority and Republican Leaders; the bill then be read a third time and the Senate proceed to a vote on passage of the bill, as amended; the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate; and if the bill is passed, it be held at the desk.
  • Finally, that when the Senate receives the House companion to S.223, as determined by the two Leaders, it be in order for the Majority Leader to proceed to its immediate consideration; strike all after the enacting clause and insert the text of S.223, as passed by the Senate, in lieu thereof; that the companion bill, as amended, be read a third time, the statutory PAYGO statement be read and the bill be passed; the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table; that upon passage, the Senate insist on its amendment, request a conference with the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses; and the Chair be authorized to appoint conferees on the part of the Senate with a ratio of 5-4; all with no intervening action or debate.