Senate Floor Schedule For Tuesday, February 24, 2009
At 10am, the Senate will resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S.160, the DC Voting Rights Act.
At 11:15am, the Senate will proceed to a cloture vote on the motion to proceed to S.160, the District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act. If cloture is invoked all post-cloture debate time will be yielded back and the motion to proceed will be adopted.
The Senate will then proceed to Executive Session and consider the nomination of Hilda Solis to be Secretary of Labor.
At 12:30pm, the Senate will recess until 2:15pm for the weekly caucus luncheons.
The Senate stands in recess until 8:30pm and at 8:40pm will proceed as a body to the Hall of the House to receive a message from the President of the United States.