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Senate Floor Schedule For Thursday, February 25, 2010

  • Resume consideration of the House Message on HR1299, the legislative vehicle for the Travel Promotion legislation.
  • There will be no roll call votes prior to 4pm on Thursday in order to accommodate the Health Care Summit with the President.
  • This evening Senator Reid asked unanimous consent to take up and pass HR4691, a 30-day extension of provisions which expire on Sunday, February 28 including Unemployment Insurance, COBRA, Flood Insurance, Satellite Home Viewer Act, Highway Funding, SBA Business Loans and Small Business provisions of the American Recovery Act, SGR and poverty guidelines.
  • Senator Bunning objected to the request.
  • Senator Reid then asked consent to proceed to HR4691 with a vote on a Republican substitute amendment (pay-for) and a vote on the straight extension.
  • Senator Bunning objected.
  • Senator Bunning then asked consent to take up and pass HR4691 with a Republican amendment (pay-for).
  • Senator Reid objected to the request.