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Up to 3 votes at 11:45am and up to 8 votes at 4pm

11:57am, there will be up to 3 roll call votes related to the following nominations:
  1. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #659, Debo Adegbile, of New York, to be an Assistant Attorney General;
  2. If cloture is invoked on Adegbile, immediately proceed to vote on confirmation of the Adegbile nomination;
  3. If cloture is not invoked on Adegbile, proceed immediately to cloture on Executive Calendar #568, Pedro A. Delgado Hernandez to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Puerto Rico.

Following the votes, the Senate will recess until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.

At 2:15pm, there will be a period of Morning Business with senator permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each.

At 3:30pm, the Senate will resume Executive Session with the time equally divided until 4:00pm. If cloture is invoked on any of the following nominations, except for Gottemoeller, all post-cloture debate time will be yielded back and the Senate will proceed to vote on confirmation of the nomination. All votes after the first vote will be 10 minutes in duration. There will be 2 minutes for debate equally divided between the votes.

At 4:00pm, there will be up to 8 roll call votes:

  1. Confirmation of Hernandez nomination;
  2. Cloture on Executive Calendar #569, Pamela Reeves to be U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee;
  3. Confirmation of Reeves nomination;
  4. Cloture on  Executive Calendar #565, Timothy Brooks to be U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Arkansas;
  5. Confirmation of Brooks nomination;
  6. Cloture on  Executive Calendar #571, Vince Chhabria to be U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of California;
  7. Confirmation of Chhabria nomination; and
  8. Cloture on Executive Calendar #636, Rose Gottemoeller to be Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security (Up to 8 equally-divided hours).