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Senate Floor Schedule For Monday, March 07, 2011

  • Morning business until 4:30pm with Senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each.
  • At 4:30pm, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider the following nominations:
  • Calendar #4, Anthony Battaglia, of CA, to be US District Judge for the Southern District of CA
  • Calendar #32, Sue Myerscough, of IL, to be US District Judge for the Central District of IL
  • Calendar #33, James Shadid, of IL, to be US District Judge for the Central District of IL
  • There will be one hour for debate equally divided between Senators Leahy and Grassley or their designees.
  • Upon the use or yielding back of time, Calendar #32, Sue Myerscough, of IL, to be US District Judge for the Central District of IL will be confirmed.
  • The Senate will then proceed to a series of 3 roll call votes on the following:
  • confirmation of Executive Calendar #33, James Shadid, of IL, to be US District Judge for the Central District of IL
  • confirmation of Executive Calendar #4, Anthony Battaglia, of CA, to be US District Judge for the Southern District of CA
  • motion to invoke cloture on S.23, the America Invents Act
  • 5:00pm Filing deadline for all 2nd degree amendments to S.23, the America Invents Act. There will be no further roll call votes today.
  • Cloture on S.23, the America Invents Act, was invoked by a vote of 87-3.
  • Following the vote, the pending Leahy and Bennet amendments were withdrawn. The Baucus amendment #141, as modified, was agreed to. Senator Reid then called up amendment #143 (to include public higher education in EPSCOR jurisdictions in definition of micro entity) and Reid #152 (effective date).
  • The Senate is now in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each.