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Senate Floor Schedule For Wednesday, March 12, 2008

  • Resume consideration of S.Con.Res.70, the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget FY 2009.
  • The following amendments are pending to S.Con.Res.70: Baucus #4160: (Tax Relief) Graham #4170: (Bush Tax Cuts) Bingaman #4173 (Innovation) Specter #4189: (Permanent AMT Relief) Conrad #4190: (AMT Repeal with offset) Kyl #4191: (Estate Tax) Salazar #4196, as modified: (Estate Tax Reserve Fund) Bunning #4192: (Social Security) Conrad #1204:(Social Security) Specter #4203: (AMT) Dorgan #4198:(Indian Health) Alexander #4207: (Energy) Kennedy #4151 (Higher Education loan limits) Sununu #4221 (E-Prescribing) Lincoln #4149 (Veterans) Alexander #4222 (English Literacy) Session #4231 (Border Security reserve fund) Pryor #4181 (Science Parks) Allard #4246 ($1.4 Trillion Tax Increase) Menendez #4259 (Immigration)
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 10:15am, Thursday, March 13.