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2 Roll Call Votes at Noon; Several at 2:15pm

At 12:00pm today, there will be 2 roll call votes in relation to the following amendments to S.1813, the Surface Transportation bill:

- DeMint #1756 (State discretionary authority);

- Bingaman #1759 (privatized highways)

Following the vote in relation to the Bingaman amendment, the Senate will recess until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.

At 2:15pm, there will be up to 21 roll call votes in relation to the following:

- Roberts #1826, side-by-side to Stabenow #1812, as modified (ANWR, Keystone, etc) (60-vote threshold);

- Stabenow #1812, as modified (Energy Tax Extenders) (60-vote threshold);

- DeMint #1589 (repeal of energy tax subsidies) (60-vote threshold)

- Menendez-Burr #1782 (Natural Gas) (60-vote threshold);

- Coats #1517 (Apportionment formula);

- Brown(OH) #1819 (Buy America);

- Blunt #1540 (Off system bridges);

- Merkley #1814 (Farm vehicle exemptions);

- Portman #1736 (gas tax flexibility);

- Klobuchar #1617 (Ag transportation);

- Corker #1785 (discretionary spending cap adjustment)

- Shaheen #1678 (small bus systems);

- Portman #1742 (rest areas);

- Corker #1810 (limitation on expenditures);

- Carper #1670 (tolls);

- Hutchison #1568 (tolls);

- McCain #1669 (Grand Canyon - noise abatement), as modified with the changes at the desk;

- Alexander #1779 (over-flights of national parks).

- Boxer #1816 (SoS emergency exemptions);

- Paul #1556 (emergency exemptions);

- Passage of S.1813, as amended.