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Amendments to S.1086, the Child Care and Development Block Grant Reauthorization bill

The following amendments have been considered to S.1086, the Child Care and Development Block Grant Reauthorization bill::
  • Enzi amendment #2812 (review of early learning and care programs); Agreed to: 98-0
  • Franken amendment #2822 (Indian tribes and tribal organizations; Agreed to: 93-6
  • Lee amendment #2821, as modified (personally identifiable information); agreed to by voice vote
  • Landrieu amendment #2818 (child care disaster plan); Agreed to: 98-0
  • Landrieu #2813 (foster care - immunizations); agreed to by voice vote
  • Landrieu #2814 (foster care coordination); agreed to by voice vote
  • Bennett-Isakson amendment #2824 (combined funding); agreed to by voice vote
  • Boxer-Burr amendment #2809 (background checks); agreed to by voice vote
  • Scott amendment #2837 (parental rights clarification); agreed to by voice vote
  • Coburn amendment #2830, as modified (no credits for millionaires); Agreed to: 100-0
  • Portman amendment  #2827 (language and literacy development) agreed to by voice vote
  •  Tester amendment #2834 (Tribal construction/renovation of facilities) agreed to by voice vote
  • Thune amendment #2838 (child care supply) agreed to by voice vote
  • Warren amendment #2842 (financial aid) agreed to by voice vote
  • Bennett amendment #2839, as modified (federal buildings) agreed to by voice vote
  • Vitter amendment #2845, as modified (priority requirements) agreed to by voice vote
  • Portman amendment #2847 (child care staff member) agreed to voice vote
  • Sanders amendment #2846 (child poverty) agree to voice vote
  • Harkin amendment #2811 (added "underserved" areas) withdrawn