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Monje confirmed, Brown confirmed, no more votes tonight, 2 votes at 11am Tuesday. March 17

The Monje nomination was confirmed 94-0. The Senate then confirmed the Brown nomination by voice vote. The Senate is in a period of morning business with Senator Cotton permitted to speak for up to 45 minutes (Maiden Speech) and for Senator Brown to speak for up to 15 minutes.

The cloture vote on the substitute amendment to S.178, trafficking, will occur at 11:00am tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17. If cloture is not invoked, there would be an immediate cloture vote on the underlying bill. Senators should expect 2 roll call votes at 11:00am tomorrow.

The filing deadline for second degree amendments for the Committee reported substitute amendment and S.178 is 10:30am tomorrow. If cloture is invoked, germane second degree amendments must be filed prior to the deadline to be considered in order post-cloture. Senators with amendments should send their amendments to the cloakroom prior to the deadline so that we may file it at the desk for you.