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Senator Moran objects votes on amendments and passage of CR and to begin consideration of Budget resolution

Senator Reid asked unanimous consent that the Senate vote in relation to the amendments listed below and the Senate complete action on the Continuing Appropriations bill.

-          Mikulski-Shelby #98, as modified (60-vote threshold)

-          Pryor-Blunt #82 (60-vote threshold);

-          Toomey #115 (60-vote threshold);

-          Mikulski-Shelby substitute #26;

-          Passage of H.R.933, Continuing Appropriations.

Senator Moran objected because Moran #45 (air traffic control towers) was not included in the request.

Senator Reid then asked consent the Senate begin consideration of the Budget resolution today, notwithstanding cloture on H.R.933.

Senator Moran also objected to this request.

The text of the requests and the unofficial transcript of their exchange can be found below.

Request to complete action on Continuing Appropriations (H.R.933)

Senator Reid: I ask unanimous consent that notwithstanding cloture having been invoked on the Mikulski-Shelby substitute, the following amendments be in order:

-          Mikulski-Shelby #98, as modified with the changes that are at the desk; and

-          Pryor-Blunt #82.

That no other first degree amendments to the substitute or the underlying bill be in order; that no second degree amendments be in order to any of the amendments listed above prior to the vote; that there be 30 minutes equally divided between the two Leaders, or their designees, prior to votes in relation to the amendments in the order listed; that upon disposition of the Pryor-Blunt amendment #82; the Durbin second degree amendment to the Toomey amendment #115 be withdrawn; that the Senate proceed to vote in relation to the Toomey amendment #115; that all the amendments, with the exception of the substitute, be subject to a 60 affirmative vote threshold; that upon disposition of the Toomey amendment, the Senate proceed to vote on the Mikulski-Shelby substitute amendment, as amended; that if the substitute amendment, as amended, is agreed to; the cloture motion on the underlying bill be withdrawn and the Senate proceed to vote on passage of the bill, as amended.

Senator Moran objected.

Request to consider Budget resolution (S.Con.Res.8)

Senator Reid: I ask unanimous consent that notwithstanding cloture having been invoked, that at a time to be determined today, it be in order for the Senate to begin consideration of S.Con.Res.8, the budget resolution for fiscal year 2014; that any time used for consideration of S.Con.Res.8 during the post cloture period on H.R.933 also count toward the post-cloture time on H.R.933; further, that on Tuesday, March 19th at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, after consultation of the Republican Leader, the Senate resume consideration of H.R.933.

Senator Moran objected.