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Roll Call Votes Now at 4:00pm

The roll call vote(s) previously scheduled for 11:30am will now occur at 4:00pm today.  If cloture is invoked on either amendment or bill, it will be as if it were invoked at 12:00pm.

Additionally, Senator Reid announced the official photograph of the 112th Congress may be rescheduled for later today.  When/if another time is set, a message will be sent.

At approximately 4:00pm today, there will be as many as 3 roll call votes in relation to the following:

  • Motion to invoke cloture on the Reed-Landrieu-Levin, et al substitute amendment #1833
  • If cloture is not invoked on the Reed amendment #1833, there will be a 2nd roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the Cantwell-Johnson, et al amendment #1836
  • And if cloture is not invoked on the Cantwell amendment #1836, there will be a 3rd roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on H.R.3606.