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Senate Floor Schedule for Tuesday, March 20, 2012

  • Convenes: 10:00am
  • Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in morning business for one hour with the Republicans controlling the first half and the Majority controlling the final half.
  • Following morning business, the Senate will resume consideration of H.R.3606, the IPO bill with the time until 11:30am equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees.
  • The filing deadline for 2nd degree amendment to the Reed amendment #1833, the Cantwell amendment #1836 and H.R.3606 is 11:00am on Tuesday.
  • At approximately 11:30am, there will be as many as 3 roll call votes on the following:
    • Motion to invoke cloture on the Reed-Landrieu-Levin, et al substitute amendment #1833
    • If cloture is not invoked on the Reed amendment #1833, there will be a 2nd roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the Cantwell-Johnson, et al amendment #1836
    • And if cloture is not invoked on the Cantwell amendment #1836, there will be a 3rd roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on H.R.3606.
  • The Senate will recess subject to the call of the Chair at 12:30pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings and the official photograph of the 112th Congress.