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Agreement on H.R.933, Continuing Appropriations--series of votes at 2:15pm

The Senate has reached an agreement that results in a series of up to 12 votes, but we expect to conduct 7 roll call votes, at 2:15pm today. Those votes would be in relation to the items listed below.

-          Coburn #69 (prohibits Urban Area Security Initiative Grants not improving homeland security);

-          Coburn #93 transfers appropriations from National Heritage Partnership Program to fund White House public tours, Maintenance at public parks/monuments);

-          Coburn #65, as modified with the changes that are at the desk (National Science Foundation funding);

-          Coburn #70, as modified with the changes that are at the desk (Authorizing Committees to receive information from Homeland Security);

-          Inhofe-Hagan #72, as modified with changes that are at the desk (requires Secretaries of Military Departments to carry out tuition assistance programs);

-          Mikulski-Shelby #98, as modified with changes that are at the desk (technical corrections); and

-          Leahy #129, as modified with changes that are at the desk (cluster munitions);

-          Pryor-Blunt #82 (meat inspectors);

-          Toomey #115, as modified with changes at the desk (bio-fuels)

-          Mikulski-Shelby #26 (Substitute) (majority vote threshold);

-          Cloture on H.R.933, as amended; and

If cloture is invoked all post-cloture debate time will be yielded back

-          Passage of H.R.933, Department of Defense, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (majority vote threshold).

We expect voice votes on the amendments listed in italics (any amendment that has been modified, except for Toomey #115). All amendments are subject to 60 vote thresholds except the Mikulski-Shelby substitute. All votes after the first vote will be 10 minutes in duration with 2 minutes prior to each vote. Senator Moran will control 30 minutes of the republican's time.

Prior to locking in the agreement Senator Grassley reserved his right to object and asked that his amendment #76 (to require weekly update of the aliens who have been released due to budget constraints). Senator Reid declined to modify his request and Senator Grassley withdrew his objection.

The text of the agreement can be found below.

Leader:            I ask unanimous consent that notwithstanding cloture having been invoked, the following amendments be in order to the Mikulski-Shelby substitute:

-          Coburn #69 (prohibits Urban Area Security Initiative Grants not improving homeland security);

-          Coburn #93 transfers appropriations from National Heritage Partnership Program to fund White House public tours, Maintenance at public parks/monuments);

-          Coburn #65, as modified with the changes that are at the desk (National Science Foundation funding);

-          Coburn #70, as modified with the changes that are at the desk (Authorizing Committees to receive information from Homeland Security);

-          Inhofe-Hagan #72, as modified with changes that are at the desk (requires Secretaries of Military Departments to carry out tuition assistance programs);

-          Mikulski-Shelby #98, as modified with changes that are at the desk (technical corrections); and

-          Leahy #129, as modified with changes that are at the desk (cluster munitions); and

-          Pryor-Blunt #82 (meat inspectors).

That no other first degree amendments to the substitute or the underlying bill be in order; that no second degree amendments be in order to any of the amendments listed above prior to the votes; that the time until 2:15pm be equally divided between the two Leaders, or their designees, prior to votes in relation to the amendments in the order listed; that upon disposition of the Pryor-Blunt amendment #82; the Durbin second degree amendment to the Toomey amendment #115 be withdrawn; that it be in order for the Toomey amendment to be modified with the changes that are at the desk; that the Senate proceed to vote in relation to the Toomey amendment #115, as modified; that upon disposition of the Toomey amendment, the Senate proceed to vote on the Mikulski-Shelby substitute amendment, as amended; that all the amendments, with the exception of the Mikulski-Shelby substitute, be subject to a 60 affirmative vote threshold; that upon disposition of the substitute amendment, as amended, the Senate proceed to vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the underlying bill; finally, if cloture is invoked on H.R.933, as amended, all post-cloture time be yielded back and the Senate proceed to vote on passage of H.R.933, as amended.