Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of S.Con.Res.11, the budget resolution. When the Senate resumes consideration of S.Con.Res.11, there will be 38 hours of debate time remaining.
Senators should expect a roll call vote on the pending Sanders amendment #323 (infrastructure) around noon with at least one additional roll call vote in the stack before lunch (likely in relation to yet to be named side by side to Sanders).
The Senate will recess from 12:30 until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.
Joint Meeting with the President of Afghanistan on Wednesday at 11:00am
As a reminder, on Wednesday, at 11:00 a.m., His Excellency Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, will address a Joint Meeting of Congress in the Hall of the House of Representatives in the U.S. Capitol. Senators will gather in the chamber at 10:35am and depart as a body to the Hall of the House of Representatives at 10:40am. The Senate will be in recess for the joint meeting.