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Blunt and Moran amendments offered

We've had a couple more amendments offered-Sanders side by side to Blunt and Moran on Veterans health care.

Pending amendments:

  1. Cotton #481(Israel)
  2. Enzi forKirk #535 (Iran Sanctions)
  3. Rounds #412(prevent EPA closed door settlement agreements)
  4. Rubio #423, as modified (increase Defense budget)
  5. Daines #388(national monuments)
  6. Daines #389(holding Members responsible for balanced budget)
  7. Barrasso amendment #347 (Waters of the United States)
  8. Bennet-Stabenow # 601 (Medicare)
  9. Stabenow amendment #755 (WOTUS) side by side to Barrasso amendment #347
  10. Blunt #350 (Carbon)
  11. Sanders #777 (climate change) side by side to Blunt #350
  12. Moran #356 (Veterans health care)

The Republican suggestion for votes this afternoon has grown. They added the rest of their currently pending amendments to the list of possible votes today (not included is the Rubio amendment to increase Defense budget). We do not expect to vote on all of these amendments tonight; however, I wanted to share the larger universe. Senator Gardner also hopes to offer amendment #443 (water rights) this afternoon. That amendment could be added to the mix if it's made pending.

Possible 4:30pm vote series

  1. Stabenow #755 (WOTUS side by side),
  2. Barrasso #347 (WOTUS),
  3. Sanders #777 (climate side by side to Blunt)
  4. Blunt #350 (carbon),
  5. Hatch alternative to Medicare amendment?
  6. Bennet-Stabenow #601 (Medicare),
  7. Murray # (replace sequestration in 2016 and 2017)
  8. ? Republican alternative to Sequester amendment?
  9. Cotton #481 (Israel)
  10. Kirk #545 (Iran)
  11. Rounds #412 (EPA)
  12. Daines #389 (member pay)
  13. Daines #388 (national monuments)