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Daines calls up amendments on Guns and Postal Reform

The following amendments have been called up:

Daines amendment #465 (Second Amendment rights)

Daines amendment #387 (postal reform)

Pending amendments:

  1. Cotton #481(Israel)
  2. Enzi forKirk #535 (Iran Sanctions)
  3. Rounds #412(prevent EPA closed door settlement agreements)
  4. Rubio #423, as modified (increase Defense budget)
  5. Daines #388(national monuments)
  6. Daines #389(holding Members responsible for balanced budget)
  7. Barrasso amendment #347 (Waters of the United States)
  8. Bennet-Stabenow # 601 (Medicare)
  9. Stabenow amendment #755 (WOTUS) side by side to Barrasso amendment #347
  10. Blunt #350 (Carbon)
  11. Sanders #777 (climate change) side by side to Blunt #350
  12. Moran #356 (Veterans health care)
  13. Hatch amendment #796 (Medicare) side-by-side to Bennet-Stabenow
  14. Roberts amendment #352 (Federal employee bonuses)
  15. Roberts amendment #462 (over the counter medications)
  16. Vitter amendment #515 (Common Core)
  17. Vitter amendment #811 (Obamacare)
  18. Gardner #443 (water rights)
  19. Murray #801 (Sequester)
  20. Coats #595 (cybersecurity)
  21. Coats #368 (Medicaid)
  22. Daines amendment #465 (Second Amendment rights)
  23. Daines amendment #387 (postal reform)