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Wrap Up for Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Roll Call Votes
  1. Warren amendment #652 (student loan refinance); not agreed to: 46-53.
  2. Stabenow amendment #755(WOTUS, side by side to Barrasso #347; agreed to: 99-0.
  3. Barrasso amendment #347 (Waters Of The United States); agreed to: 59-40.
  4. Sanders amendment #777 (Climate Change); not agreed to: 49-50.
  5. Stabenow motion to waive budget act re:Bennet-Stabenow #601 (Medicare); not agreed to: 46-53.
  6. Murray amendment #801 (Sequester Replacement); not agreed to:46-53.
  7. Cotton amendment #481 (Israel); agreed to: 99-0.
Legislative Business

The following amendments were agreed to by voice vote:

  1. Burr amendment #622;
  2. Hatch amendment #796.
Adopted S.Res.115, designating April 2015, as "National Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Month".