Senator Sanders raised a point of order that the Paul amendment violated the Budget Act. Senator Paul moved to waive applicable points of order.
1:33pm The Senate began a 10 minute roll call vote on Paul motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to Paul SA#940 (defense increase).
Not Waived: 4-96
- Murray # 798
- Moran # 356
- Baldwin # 432
- Collins # 810
- Franken # 828
- Murray SA 1026 side by side to Scott #692
- Scott # 692
- Coons # 966
- Blunt # 928
- Durbin # 817
- Possible Dem side by side to Vitter #515
- Vitter # 515
- Bennet # 947
- Murkowski # 838
- Inhofe # 649
- Kirk # 545