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Wyden- Murray amendment #1026 agreed to by voice vote

Wyden-Murray amendment #1026 was agreed to by voice vote


  1. Scott # 692
  2. Coons # 966
  3. Blunt # 928
  4. Durbin # 817
  5. Possible Dem side by side to Vitter #515
  6. Vitter # 515
Possible Republican amendments in the next tranche:

Isakson amendment #321  (Biennial)

Portman amendment #689 (Dynamic)

McConnell amendment #836 (EPA)

Thune amendment #607 (Death Tax)

Gardner amendment#443 (Water)

Daines amendment #388 (Monuments)

Cochran amendment #932 (Biennial)

Flake amendment #665 (Project Labor)

Hatch amendment# ___ (Outsourcing)

Kirk amendment# ___  (Min Wage)