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Sessions makes point of order/Wyden moves to waive re: SGR

Senator Sessions made a point of order that H.R.4302 violates section 201-A of S.Con.Res.21, the concurrent resolution on the Budget for fiscal year 2008. Senator Wyden moved to waive all applicable points of order.

At 5:30pm today there will be a series of up to 4 votes (we expect 3 roll calls and 1 voice vote) in relation to the following items:

-          Confirmation of Executive Calendar #573, John B. Owens, of CA, to be US Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit (majority vote threshold);

-          Motion to waive applicable budget points of order with respect to H.R.4302, Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (SGR/Doc Fix)  (60-vote threshold);

-          Passage of H.R.4302,  Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (SGR/Doc Fix) (60-vote threshold); and

-          Adoption of the motion to proceed to H.R.3979, the legislative vehicle for the Unemployment Insurance extension (voice vote expected).