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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Thursday, April 02, 2009

  • Executive Calendar #s:
  • 37 Timothy Geithner to be Gov of IMF etc
  • 38 Verma, Asst Secretary of State
  • 39 Brimmer, Asst Secretary of State
  • 41 Gottemoeller, Asst Secretary of State
  • 42 Eikenberry, Ambassador to Afghanistan
  • 44 Verveer, Ambassador at lg Women's Global Affairs
  • 45 Miller, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
  • 46 Vershbow, Asst Secretary of Defense
  • 48,49,50,51,52,53,54 and 55, military promotions
  • 57 Lute, Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security
  • 58 Berry, Director of OPM
  • 59 Mill, Adminstrator of SBA
  • 60 Gould, Deputy Secretary of Vets Affairs
  • all nominations on the Secretary's desk
  • PN206 Miller, Under Secretary of Ag
  • PN213 Merrigan, Deputy Secretary of Ag
  • PN221 Leonard, Jr., Asst Secretary of Ag
  • S.735, Protecting Incentive for the Adoption of Children with Special Needs Act
  • S. Res.90, Sense of the Senate regarding the Fifth Summit of the Americas
  • S. Res.101, Sense of the Senate on the tragic events at the Pinelake Health and Rehab Center in Carthage, NC
  • S. Res.102, making appointments to the Joint Committee on Printing and the Joint Committee on the Library
  • S. Res.103, Legal Counsel Representation
  • H. Con. Res.93, Adjournment Resolution