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Senate Floor Schedule For Thursday, April 10, 2008

  • There will be a period of morning business for up to 60 minutes. The Majority will control the first half and the Republicans will control the final half (10 minute limitations)
  • Following morning business, the Senate considered H.R.3221, the Housing legislation.
  • The Senate considered S.2739 with 2 hours for debate equally divided. The only amendments in order to the bill are 4 Coburn amendments. Upon the use or yielding back of time, the Senate will proceed to vote in relation to the amendments and passage of S.2739, as amended, if amended.
  • Upon disposition of S.2739, the Senate will proceed to executive Session to consider the following nominations with up to 4 hours for debate prior to votes on confirmation:
  • Cal # 476 Brian Stacy Miller, to be US District Judge--Eastern District of Arkansas; Cal # 477 James Randal Hall, to be US District Judge--Southern District of Georgia; Cal #478 John A. Mendez, to be US District Judge -Eastern District of California; Cal #479 Stanley Thomas Anderson, to be US District Judge--Western District of Tennessee; and Cal #515 Catharina Haynes, to be US Circuit Judge--Fifth Circuit. Senator Reid filed cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.1195, Highway Technical Corrections Act
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 2:00pm Monday, April 14.