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Senate Floor Wrap Up for Thursday, April 10, 2014

Roll Call Votes

1)     Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #574, the nomination of Michelle Friedland, to be a U.S. Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit; Invoked: 56-41

2)     Reid motion to instruct the SAA to request the presence of absent Senators; Agreed to: 55-37

Legislative items

Passed S.994, the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014, with a Carper substitute amendment and a Carper amendment to the substitute.

Adopted S.Res.422, a resolution to authorize written testimony, document production, and representation in Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Foundation, Inc. v. United States.

Additional Executive items

Confirmed all nominations placed on the Secretary's desk in the Coast Guard and the following items:


Executive Calendar #760 To be Rear Admiral

Linda L. Fagan

Thomas W. Jones

Steven D. Poulin

James E. Rendon

Executive Calendar #761 Rear Adm. William D. Lee - to be Vice Admiral

Executive Calendar #762 Rear Adm. Charles W. Ray - to be Vice Admiral

Executive Calendar #763 Rear Adm. Charles D. Michel - to be Vice Admiral

Executive Calendar #764 Vice Adm. Peter V. Neffenger - to be Vice Admiral