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Agreement on S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act

The Senate has reached an agreement that at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader in consultation with the Democratic Leader, the Senate proceed to the consideration of S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act.

That the following amendments be called up and voice voted en bloc:

  1. #3276 Cantwell (Striking Certain Provisions)
  2. #3302 Klobuchar, as modified (Modifying a Provision)
  3. #3055 Flake (WAPA Pilot Project)
  4. #3050 Flake (DOE Grants Information)
  5. #3237 Hatch (Internet Auctions)
  6. #3308 Murkowski (Denali & Gasoline)
  7. #3286 Heller, as modified (PLREDA)
  8. #3075 Vitter (Well Control Small Business)
  9. #3168 Portman/Shaheen (EPS)
  10. #3292 Shaheen, as modified (Waste Heat and CHP)
  11. #3155 Heinrich (Minority-Serving Institutions)
  12. #3270 Manchin (Carbon Sequestration Program)
  13. #3313 Cantwell, as modified (SOS Accelerating Energy Innovation)
  14. #3214 Cantwell (DOE Emergency Response)
  15. #3266 Vitter (Helicopter Fuel)
  16. #3310 Sullivan (Survey Correction Swan Lake)
  17. #3317 Heinrich (Lab-Directed R&D Cost Allocation)
  18. #3265 Vitter, as modified (Maritime Workforce)
  19. #3012 Kaine (Rockingham County)
  20. #3290 Alexander/Merkley (Batteries)
  21. #3004 Gillibrand/Cassidy (Disaster Relief Efficient Appliances)
  22. #3233 Warner, as modified (Administrative Exchange for GW Parkway)
  23. #3239 Thune (High-Energy Physics Subcommittee)
  24. #3221 Udall/Portman (Water Sense)
  25. #3203 Coons (Study Cost-Share Waivers)
  26. #3309 Portman, as modified (NPS Centennial)
  27. #3229 Flake (Solar Avian Impact Study)
  28. #3251 Inhofe (Natural Gas Vehicles)
  29. #2963 Murkowski RIS Fix (currently pending)

The Majority Leader then asks consent that there be 2 hours of debate, equally divided, on the following amendments concurrently, that no further amendments be in order, and that following the use or yielding back of that time, the Senate vote on the following amendments in the order listed with a 60-vote threshold for adoption for each of amendment:

  1. #3234 Murkowski/Cantwell, as modified (Resources Title)
  2. #3202 Isakson/Bennet (SAVE Act)
  3. #3175 Burr (Corolla Wild Horses)
  4. #3210 Lankford (Maintenance Backlog Limit on LWCF Spending)
  5. #3311 Boozman (Clean Line Study)
  6. #3312 Udall (Clean Energy Victory Bonds)
  7. #3787 Paul (Economic Freedom Zones)
  8. #2954 Cassidy-Markey (Maximize SPR Sale Revenue)

That following the disposition of Cassidy-Markey amendment #2954, the substitute amendment #2953, as amended, be agreed to; that the Senate vote on the motion to invoke cloture, upon reconsideration, on S.2012, as amended; that if cloture is invoked, all post-cloture time be yielded back; the bill be read a third time and the Senate vote on passage of S.2012, as amended. Finally, that budget points of order not be barred by virtue of this agreement.

At a time to be determined-10 roll call votes expected:

  1. #3234 Murkowski/Cantwell, as modified (Resources Title)
  2. #3202 Isakson/Bennet (SAVE Act)
  3. #3175 Burr (Corolla Wild Horses)
  4. #3210 Lankford (Maintenance Backlog Limit on LWCF Spending)
  5. #3311 Boozman (Clean Line Study)
  6. #3312 Udall (Clean Energy Victory Bonds)
  7. #3787 Paul (Economic Freedom Zones)
  8. #2954 Cassidy-Markey (Maximize SPR Sale Revenue)
  9. Motion to invoke cloture, upon reconsideration, on S.2012, as amended
  10. Passage of S.2012, as amended.