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House Message on S.Con.Res. 11, Budget--1 vote at noon

At 11:00am, the Senate laid down the House message on S.Con.Res.11, Budget. There will now be up to 10 hours equally divided on the House Message.

Senator Enzi made a compound motion to go to conference. He moved to disagree in the House amendment, agree to the request by the House for a committee of conference, and authorize the Presiding Officer to appoint conferees. There will now be up to 1 hour for debate (within the 10 hour time frame). Upon the use or yielding back of time, the Senate will vote on the compound motion.

Senators should expect a roll call vote around 12:00 noon on the compound motion to go to conference. (Reminder we will recess from 12:30-2:00pm for a bipartisan luncheon.)

If the compound motion is successful (majority vote), the Senate would continue to consider the House Message for the remaining time (approx. 9 hours). Motions to instruct conferees are in order after the Senate agrees to the compound motion. Upon the use or yielding back of the 10 hours, additional motions to instruct are in order.

Depending on how much debate time is required, we could begin a mini-votearama in the 5:00pm range. That time is subject to change.