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Agreement to proceed to Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act at a time to be determined

Senator McConnell asked unanimous consent that at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, with concurrence of the Democratic Leader, the motion to proceed to Calendar #30, H.R.1191, and that if the motion to proceed is agreed to, Senator Corker or his designee, be recognized to offer a substitute amendment that is the text of S.615, which is the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, as reported by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Reserving his right to object, Senator Reid asked unanimous consent that the request be modified and that at 3:30pm on Monday, there be 2 hours for debate equally divided prior to a vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #21, the nomination of Loretta Lynch, of New York, to be Attorney General.

Senator McConnell objected to the modification. Senator Reid said he would not object to the McConnell request, but served notice that Miss Lynch's nomination will not remain in purgatory forever. Senator Reid withdrew his request and the McConnell request was agreed to.

Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act

The Senate reached an agreement that at a time determined by the Majority Leader, with concurrence of the Democratic Leader, the Senate proceed to vote on the motion to proceed to Calendar #1191, and that if the motion to proceed is agreed to, Senator Corker or his designees, be recognized to offer a substitute amendment that is the text of S.615, the Iran Nuclear review Act, as reported by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.