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Agreement on S.178, Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015--cloture filed on Lynch

The Senate has reached an agreement to complete action of S.178, Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015. As a result of this agreement, there will be 2 roll call votes at approximately 10:40am and 6 roll call votes at 2:00pm. Prior to locking in the agreement Senator Wyden asked that the request be modified to withdraw the Kirk amendment #273, as modified. Senator McConnell declined to modify his request.

The agreement is as follows:

When the Senate resumes consideration of S. 178 on Wednesday, April 22nd (approximately 9:40am), Senator Cornyn, or his designee, will be recognized to withdraw the pending Cornyn amendment and offer Cornyn amendment #1124 and Leahy amendment #301.  There will be 1 hour of debate, equally divided in the usual form, and following the use or yielding back of time, the Senate will vote on Leahy amdt #301 (substitute), followed by a vote on Cornyn-Murray-Klobuchar amendment #1124, both with a 60 vote affirmative threshold for adoption.  If the Cornyn-Murray amendment is agreed to at 2:00pm, the Senate will vote on the following amendments in the order listed, with no second degrees in order to any of the amendments and 2 minutes of debate equally divided before each vote:
  • Cornyn SA #1127 (side by side to Leahy #290)
  • Leahy SA #290 (Reauthorize Homeless and Runaway Youth)
  • Brown SA #311 ((parental rights)
  • Burr SA #1121 (sex offender list)
  • Kirk SA #273, as modified (commercial advertising)

Amendments in the preceding list are each subject to a 60 vote affirmative threshold for adoption.

Following disposition of these amendments, there will be 5 minutes equally divided in the usual form followed by votes on the following amendments (which have been cleared by the managers and should be adopted by voice vote):

  • Klobuchar SA #296 (Stop Exploitation through Sex Trafficking)
  • Hoeven SA #299, as modified (data collection)
  • Sullivan SA #279 (cross designation)
  • Wicker SA #1126 (public database)
  • Flake SA #294 (GAO study)
  • Cassidy SA #308 (health care professionals)
  • Portman SA #270, as modified (child protective services)
  • Brown SA #310 (homeless and runaway youth)
  • Brown SA #312 (Federal government training)
  • Heller SA #1122 (DHS training)
  • Shaheen SA #303 (Victim recovery and rehabilitation)

No second degree amendments are in order to any of the amendments listed. Following disposition of the Shaheen amendment, the committee-reported substitute, as amended, will be agreed to; the bill, as amended, will be read a third time; and the Senate will proceed to a vote on passage of the bill, as amended.

Senator McConnell then filed cloture on Executive Calendar #21, the nomination of Loretta Lynch, of New York, to be Attorney General. Unless an agreement is reached, the cloture vote would occur one hour after the Senate convenes on Thursday.

Wednesday, April 22

10:40am approximately-2 roll call votes

  1. Leahy SA #301 (substitute)
  2. Cornyn-Murray-Klobuchar amendment #1124 (Victims support without expanded Hyde)
2:00pm-up to 6 roll call votes
  1. Cornyn SA #1127 (side by side to Leahy #290)
  2. Leahy SA #290 (Reauthorize Homeless and Runaway Youth)
  3. Brown SA #311 (parental rights)
  4. Burr SA #1121 (sex offender list)
  5. Kirk SA #273, as modified (commercial advertising)
  6. Passage of S.178, as amended, Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015