Roll Call Votes
- Leahy SA #301 (substitute); not agreed to: 43-55.
- Cornyn-Murray-Klobuchar SA #1124 (victims support without expanded Hyde); agreed to: 98-0.
- Cornyn SA #1127 (side by side to Leahy #290); not agreed to: 45-53.
- Leahy SA #290 (Reauthorize Homeless and Runaway Youth); not agreed to: 56-43.
- Brown SA #311 (parental rights); agreed to: 99-0.
- Burr SA #1121 (sex offender list); agreed to: 98-0.
- Kirk SA #273, as modified (commercial advertising); agreed to: 97-2.
- Passage of S.178, as amended, Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015; passed: 99-0.
The following amendments were agreed to by voice vote
- Klobuchar SA #296 (Stop Exploitation through Sex Trafficking)
- Hoeven SA #299, as modified (data collection)
- Sullivan SA #279 (cross designation)
- Wicker SA #1126 (public database)
- Flake SA #294 (GAO study)
- Cassidy SA #308 (health care professionals)
- Portman SA #1128 (child protective services)
- Brown SA #310 (homeless and runaway youth)
- Brown SA #312 (Federal government training)
- Heller SA #1122 (DHS training)
- Shaheen SA #303 (Victim recovery and rehabilitation)
Legislative Business
Passed S.971, Medicare Independence.
Passed S.984, Steve Gleason Act of 2015.
Adopted S.Res.144, National Crime Victim Rights.
Adopted S.Res.145, Parkinson's Awareness Month.
Adopted S.Res.146, Assistant Principals Week.
Adopted S.Res.147, Historian Emeritus.
Completed the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business S.1035, Extensions of Authority under FISA (McConnell).
Discharged Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of H.R.710 and referred it to Committee on Commerce Science and Transportation.
Discharged Committee on Environment and Public Works of S.782 and referred it to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Executive Business