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Senate Floor Schedule For Thursday, April 23, 2009

  • Resume consideration of S.386, the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act.
  • The following amendments are pending to to S.386: Reid #984 (HUD funding) Dorgan #999 (Select Committee) Inhofe #996 to Reid #984 (National Language) Vitter #991 (TARP Repayment) Boxer #1000 (TARP Special Inspector General) Coburn #982 (TARP funds to cover cost of bill) Thune #1002 (TARP/Debt Reduction) Coburn #983 (Inspector General) DeMint #(Common Stock) Kohl #990 (Financial Fraud Against Seniors) Schumer #1006 (SEC) Ensign #1004 (Public Private Investment Program) Ensign #1003 to #1000 (Public Private Investment Program) Hatch #1007
  • The Senate considered the House Message with respect to the Budget resolution, S. Con. Res. 13, and appointed conferees to the conference.
  • Senator Reid filed cloture on S.386.