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Senate Floor Wrap Up for Tuesday, April 24, 2012


1)      Motion to proceed to S.J.Res.36, a joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the National Labor Relations Board relating to representation election procedures; Not Agreed To: 45-54

2)      Lieberman motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to the substitute amendment #2000, as modified and S.1789, the Postal Reform bill; Agreed To: 62-37

3)      McCain amendment #2033 (reorganization commission); Not Agreed To: 30-69

4)      Coburn amendment #2061, as modified (mandatory retirement); Not Agreed To: 33-65

5)      Udall(NM) amendment #2043, as modified (six-day delivery); Not Agreed To: 43-56

6)      Akaka amendment #2034 (workers compensation); Not Agreed To: 46-53

7)      Corker amendment #2083 (frequency of mail delivery); Not Agreed To: 29-70

8)      Akaka amendment #2049 (managerial organizations); Not Agreed To: 57-42

9)      Paul amendment #2025 (end mailbox use monopoly); Not Agreed To: 35-64


Adopted S.Res.432, designating April 30, 2012, as "Día de los Niños: Celebrating Young Americans".

Adopted S.Res.433, designating April 2012 as "National Child Abuse Prevention Month".

By unanimous consent, the following items were placed on the Legislative Calendar:

-          S.2338, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2012. (Hutchison, Grassley and Cornyn)

-          S.2343, the Stop Student Loan Interest Rate Hike Act. (Reid)

-          S.2344, To extend the National Flood Insurance Program until December 31, 2012. (Vitter)