Legislative Business
Passed Calendar #345, S.1579, to enhance and integrate Native American tourism, empower Native American communities, increase coordination and collaboration between Federal tourism assets, and expand heritage and cultural tourism opportunities in the United States, with substitute amendment.
Adopted S.Res.404, designating March 2016, as "National Middle Level Education Month".
Adopted S.Res.439, congratulating the University of Nebraska-Lincoln women's bowling team for winning the 2015 National Collegiate Athletic Association Bowling Championship.
The Senate agreed to the following list of amendments to H.R.2028, Energy and Water Appropriations, by voice vote:
Reed SA #3841 (Weatherization)
Feinstein SA #3842 (Feasibility study date change)
Warner SA #3851 (Data act for Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
McCain SA #3843 (WAPA study)
Rounds SA #3844 (Drought monitoring)
Murkowski SA #3808 (Small remote and subsistence harbors)
McCain SA #3869, as mod (Salt Cedar)
Carper SA #3870 (shore protection)
Completed the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business H.R.1206, No Hires for the Delinquent IRS Act.
Completed the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business H.R. 4885, IRS Oversight While Eliminating Spending (OWES) Act of 2016.
No Executive Business