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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Tuesday, April 30, 2002

  • S. Res.256, Republican committee appointments
  • H.R.495, H.R.819, H.R.3093, H.R.3282, S.1721, Federal Building and / or U.S. Courthouse designations
  • S. Con. Res.102, designating the week of May 4 through May 11, 2002 as "National Safe Kids' Week"
  • S. Res.109, designating the second Sunday in December as "National Children's Memorial Day" and the last Friday in the month of April as "Children's Memorial Flag Day"
  • S. Res.245, designating the week of May 5 through May 11, 2002 as "National Occupational Safety and Health Week"
  • S. Res.257, Senate service of Suzanne Pearson on her retirement