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Agreement on THUD/MilCon-VA, H.R.2577

The Senate has reached an agreement that upon disposition of H.R.2028, Energy and Water Appropriations, the Senate will proceed to the consideration of H.R.2577, the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill. The pending amendments will be withdrawn and Senator Cochran, or his designee, will be recognized to offer a substitute amendment that contains the text of S.2844 (THUD) and S.2806 (MilCon-VA) as reported by the Appropriations Committee with a technical citation correction in section 237 of S.2844.

The substitute amendment will be considered an Appropriations Committee amendment for the purpose of Rule 16 and that H.R.2577 will serve as the basis for defense of germaneness under Rule 16 for the division of the substitute that contains S.2844, and that H.R.4974, as reported by the House Appropriations Committee, serve as the basis for defense of germaneness under Rule 16 for the divisions of the substitute that contains S.2806.

Floor amendments must be drafted to one of the two divisions and use the corresponding House text for defense of germaneness and that Rule 16 discipline apply during consideration of this measure.