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Amendments pending to H.R.2577, THUD/MilCon-VA; cloture filed on Zika amendments

Senator McConnell called up Lee amendment #3897 (affirmative action/housing).

Senator McConnell then called up the following amendments:

Nelson SA #3898 ($1.9billion Zika funding);

Cornyn SA #3899 ($1.1billion Zika funding, $1.2billion offset through ACA prevention fund cut);

Blunt-Murray SA #3900 ($1.1billion Zika funding).

Senator McConnell then filed cloture on all 3 amendments in the order listed.

Unless an agreement is reached, cloture will ripen on the Nelson amendment one hour after the Senate convenes on Tuesday, May 17. If cloture is not invoked on Nelson, cloture will immediately ripen on the Cornyn amendment. If cloture is not invoked on Cornyn, cloture will immediately ripen on the Blunt-Murray amendment.

Therefore, senators can expect up to 3 roll call votes in the morning on Tuesday, May 17.

The filing deadline for 2nd degree amendments to SA #3898, SA #3899, and SA #3900 is one hour prior to the cloture vote, if cloture is invoked.