Morning Business for up to 1 hour. Senator Feinstein controls the first 30 minutes and the Republicans control the next 30 minutes.
Following morning business, resume consideration of H.R.627, Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights.
The following amendments are pending to HR627: Dodd-Shelby substitute amendment #1058 Landrieu amendment #1079as modified (Small Business) Collins amendment #1107, as modified (Store Value Cards) Lincoln amendment #1126 to Collins amendment #1107, as modified 1:00pm filing deadline for germane 1st degree amendments. The Senate has reached an agreement to complete action on the credit card legislation Tuesday morning. Under the agreement, on Tuesday, May 19, the Senate will resume consideration of HR627, the Credit Card legislation, and will proceed to vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the Dodd-Shelby Substitute amendment #1058. If cloture is invoked on the substitute, the Senate would consider any pending germane amendments. The only other amendments in order to the bill prior to the cloture vote is a managers' amendment which has been cleared by the managers and the leaders. Upon disposition of those amendments, all post-cloture debate time would be yielded back and the substitute amendment agreed
to. The Senate would then proceed to vote on passage of HR627, as amended.
In addition with respect to the House Message with respect to S.386, Financial Fraud Enforcement Act, the Senate concurred in the House amendment with an amendment, and concurred in the title amendment.
Finally with respect to S.454, the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act, the Senate appointed the Senate Armed Services Committee as conferees.
The Senate stands adjourned until 2:00pm Monday, May 18.