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Senate Floor Schedule For Friday, May 14, 2010

  • The Senate will resume consideration of S.3217, Wall Street Reform.
  • The following amendments are pending to S.3217: - Dodd-Lincoln amendment #3739 (Substitute) - Brownback #3789, as modified (auto dealer exemption) - Snowe #3883 (small business regulation transparency) - Specter #3776, as modified (Aiders & Abettors) - Leahy #3823 (health insurance antitrust enforcement) - Durbin #3989, as modified (interchange fee) - Wyden #4019 (secret holds) - Thune #3987 (sunset of Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection) DeMint #3852 (Border Fence) Rockefeller #3758 (FTC) #4016 (access to credit score)
  • There will be no roll call votes on Friday, May 14.